Tea Pot Blog Post

When i stepped back and analyze the work i have done is when i saw my spout i saw that it was terrible. Then i went back and fixed it. I also went back and fixed some cracks that were in my teapot, and i fixed them. The result of my teapot for making corrections to it it was a browsing success. From my sketch process i  learned that i know what i should do to make my handle better next time. What I learned doing this project is that i know that if i make another teapot  in the future i’ll know  i will make it look even better next time.

Blog Post#3

I used my own ideas by giving myself suggestions. I decided to write about something that i didn’t know about. I wrote about information that was interesting, and sounded important. I looked in the book, and wrote some sentences shorter. I also put some sentences in my own words. I added some facts of what the topic does, and what it was about. I also wrote about how there formed or created. I made some of my own designs for what i was creating as well.

Blog post 2

The craftsmanship of an artwork affect it’s meaning to the viewer the way that artist worked with their hands. Craftsmanship affects the meaning to the viewer of how long it took for that person to make it. It also affects the viewer what tools the artist used.

What i learned through the experience of the soft slab tripod building is that it takes a lot more work. I was successful because i kept working on it. Sometimes it kept on messing up so i keep fixing it. What i would have done differently is try not to paint in the inside a little again.

Trompe L’oeil

Develop Craft

To design my belt i used poster board, scissors, a pencil, and a knife. I traced my belt on poster board then i cult it out so i could do the same on my slab. After i cut out my belt i made it look exactly like my other belt. I also put holes it as well.

Problem solving

The challenges i faced making this belt is that the 1st  time i tried to make it the belt got bone dried even though i wasn’t done with it.

Final Portfolio


I had a lot of experience with clay this year. I learned new ways to make pinch pots. I learned new ways and better ways to make handles. I learned coil rolling gotten better at it as well. I also got better at slabbing. My favorite project this year was the last mug i made. It was my favorite project because it turned out to be smoother. It texture of it was great, and the handle of it was much more softer. If i could go back, and remake a mug it would be the one with no handle. The reason is that i  was going to put a handle but i forgot to do it. I learned about glazing is that when their getting bisque fired glaze can get on another persons work. I know this because it happened to my  work sometimes.

Blog post #11

On my idiom project i first rolled up a ball of clay. Next i made it hollow so it would be less heavy. Then i made sure that there were no cracks on the eye ball by smoothing it out. The second eye ball i have wasn’t hollow so i put that one aside. While the eye was being bone dried I also decided to put a star on the back of it. When my eye was fired I made the outer part of the eye pinkish color.The inside blue, and the center black. I checked for the bottom to see if there was any glaze then wiped it off. Finally i put it outside waiting for it to be bisque fired. 

Blog Post#10

Making another mug this time really makes it look good this time. When i started a slab i used the slab roller so it could get flatter. The old mugs i made last year were good but not as good as the one i made this month. The handle for it broke off while it was getting bone dried. The mug had a few cracks on it. Then i smoothed it out then it had no cracks on it, and it was real smooth. Making handmade objects are important to our world because it can be useful for a lot of things. 

Blog post # 9

The methods i’m using to create my vessel are trying to make it good looking. I’m trying to make the middle of it elongate. In order for me to do that i have to make bigger. I’m also working on smoothing it out more. I want it to look like it would be worth buying for. I’ve started on it but just barley. i plan on making it taller as well. 

Blog post #8

In class i researched about the terracotta pelike jar. It is a one piece ceramic container similar to an amphora. It has 2 open handles that vertical. It has a narrow neck, a flanged mouth, and a sagging. the bottom of it is flanged so it can stand on its own. They are also painted depicting a scene involving people. I choose this jar because of how it is designed, and how good looking it is.

Blog post#7

The elements i’m trying to add are the color, and the texture. I’m trying to make 2 good eye balls. I am trying to include my good work of art so the viewers can see how good it looks. I am also trying to include some advice to the readers for those who don’t know what there doing. I also want them to have a chance to show other people who want to become good artist. Also people who want to create things with clay. If they want to teach their own school kids how to do this activity they have a good teacher.